Expert Witness and Curriculum VITA (CV)

Dr. Rybicki has nearly 40 years experience in providing evaluations and testimony in forensic matters such as child custody disputes, personal injury & trauma cases, assessment for insanity pleas & competency to stand trial.
He has provided over 400 instances of trial testimony along with additional deposition testimony and offering of declarations to the Court.

Attorneys have found that Dr. Rybicki can provide invaluable assistance in reviewing and analyzing forensic reports by other professionals in order to examine their methodology and conclusions.

Such critique and work product review has included examining other's child custody evaluations through careful study of the case documents and evaluation methods. This remains as a major component of the working being done by Dr. Rybicki at the present time. High conflict, relocation, domestic violence, substance abuse, and cases involving allegations of alienation and child abuse are among those reviewed by Dr. Rybicki.

In addition to testifying as an expert on various topics, Dr. Rybicki can serve as a rebuttal witness in certain instances. He can also serve as a consultant to the attorney or assist the attorney in developing areas for cross examination of the opposing expert. Dr. Rybicki can provide case-specific expert testimony as well as more generic psychological expertise testimony on a variety of topics. 

Dr. Rybicki also serves as a trial consultant providing insights and guidance to counsel for how best to present their case. 

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